Karoo Style

Karoo Style
Picture taken at Dennehof Guest House, Prince Albert

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the garden this morning

The Day Lily. It derives its name from the Greek hemero = day and kallos = beauty, and of course, only flowers for a day.

Gaura, native to North America and I found out today; also found in a yellow variety.

The ubiquitous agapanthus, indigenous, and deriving its name from the Greek agape = love and anthos = flower.

After taking pictures of flowers in Prince Albert some months ago I decided to buy two books on flowers so that I would no the name of the flowers I was photographing.
They were; 'What flower is that?', by the late Kristo Pienaar, and 'Wild Flowers of South Africa' by Braam van Wyk. Both are available on http://www.kalahari.net.
So, when I took photographs in the garden this morning, I looked up the details of each of the lovely subjects and I learned so much!